Contact Us
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Appointments recommended
Northampton Store
14 Center Street
Northampton, MA 01060
HOURS: Tuesday through Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 12 to 5pm
Get directions to our Northampton Store Google Maps
East Longmeadow Store
182 North Main Street
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday: 10am to 5pm, Thursday & Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-3, Sunday 11-3
Where to Park
Our East Longmeadow location has ample and free parking!
The Northampton store has metered on-street parking, or the TD Bank parking lot on the left side of the street after you pass Gazebo. TD Bank lot costs $1.00 an hour or $5.00 for a full day.) Please see the Northampton Chamber website for further information on parking.
Call Us
Northampton: 413-584-6673
East Longmeadow: 413-224-1118
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Email Us
Send an email to Donna@the-gazebo.com or Amy@the-gazebo.com, or use the form below.